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pure economic loss中文是什么意思

用"pure economic loss"造句"pure economic loss"怎么读"pure economic loss" in a sentence


  • 纯经济损失
  • "pure"中文翻译    adj. 1.纯的,纯粹的;清一色的 (opp. mix ...
  • "economic"中文翻译    adj. 1.经济学的;经济(上)的;实用的。 2.〔罕 ...
  • "loss"中文翻译    n. 1.丧失;丢失,遗失。 2.减损,损失,亏损(额) ...
  • "economic loss" 中文翻译 :    经济损失
  • "rent, economic(or pure economic rent)" 中文翻译 :    经济租或纯经济租
  • "pure economic profit" 中文翻译 :    纯经济利润
  • "pure economic rent" 中文翻译 :    纯粹经济地租; 纯经济租金
  • "pure tone hearing loss" 中文翻译 :    纯音听力损失
  • "direct economic loss" 中文翻译 :    直接经济损失
  • "economic gain or loss" 中文翻译 :    经济损益; 经济益损
  • "pure" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.纯的,纯粹的;清一色的 (opp. mixed); 单一的,同质的;道地的;【生物学】纯血统的,纯种的。 2.纯理论的;抽象的 (opp. applied)。 3.清洁的,无垢的;清白的,清廉的,贞淑的;洗练的,文雅的。 4.十足的,完全的。 5.【音乐】音调纯正的;【语音】单元音的;【希腊语法】(语根)以元音收尾的,(元音)连接其他元音的,(辅音)不连接其他辅音的。 pure gold 纯金。 pure descent 纯血统。 pure of [ from ] taint 没有污点的。 pure white 纯白。 the pure in [ of ] heart 心地纯洁的人们。 a pure Englishman 道地的英国人。 pure English 纯正英语。 pure science 理论科学,纯(粹)科学。 pure mathematics 理论数学。 pure nonsense 十足的废话。 a pure accident 纯属意外的事件。 out of pure necessity 仅仅是由于需要。 pure and simple 单纯的;纯粹的,十足的。 n. -ness 纯粹;纯度;清白。
  • "economic" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.经济学的;经济(上)的;实用的。 2.〔罕用语〕经济的,节俭的。 3.〔委婉语〕故意隐瞒的。 be economic with truth隐瞒事实真相。 economic agreement 经济协定。 economic base 经济基础。
  • "at a loss" 中文翻译 :    不知所措,困惑;亏本地; 不知怎办; 亏本的,茫然不知所措的; 困惑, 亏本地; 困惑,不知所措; 困惑,不追所措,亏本地; 困惑;茫然不知所措; 困惑不解,茫然不知所措; 茫然不知所措
  • "be at a loss" 中文翻译 :    茫然不知所措
  • "for a loss" 中文翻译 :    处于苦恼中
  • "loss" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.丧失;丢失,遗失。 2.减损,损失,亏损(额);损耗;减少,下降。 3.失败;输掉。 4.错过;浪费。 5.损毁;【军事】伤亡;〔pl.〕 伤亡及被俘人数。 loss of sight 失明。 copper loss【电学】铜耗。 core [iron] loss【电学】铁耗。 a dead loss净亏,纯损。 an idling loss空转损耗。 a total loss总损失。 His death is a great loss to the country. 他的死是国家的大损失。 profit and loss盈亏。 suffer heavy losses 遭受重大损失。 loss of pressure 压力下降。 loss in weight 重量[体重]减少。 loss of weight 失重。 the loss of a war 战败。 loss of opportunity 错过机会。 at a loss 1. 无办法,为难 (I am at a loss what to do. 我就是不知道怎样办才好)。 2. (猎犬)失去猎物嗅迹。 3. 亏本地 (sell sth. at a loss赔本卖出某物)。 cut a [the] loss 赶紧脱手以免多受损失。 for a loss 处于苦恼中 (throw them for a loss 使他们苦恼)。 make a loss 亏损。 without (any) loss of time 即刻,马上。
  • "(be)at a loss" 中文翻译 :    不知所措
  • "pure-hearted; pure and noble" 中文翻译 :    玉洁冰清
  • "a pure form" 中文翻译 :    纯粹的形式
  • "analytic pure" 中文翻译 :    分析纯的
  • "analytical pure" 中文翻译 :    分析纯
  • "analytically pure" 中文翻译 :    分析纯的
  • "and pure relationship" 中文翻译 :    婚姻和纯粹关系; 女同性恋关系和纯粹关系
  • "aqua-pure" 中文翻译 :    雅尔普
  • "binary pure" 中文翻译 :    纯二进位


  • In chapter one , we start with the concept of the pure economic loss
  • Rules of no compensation for pure economic loss by negligence and its breakthrough
  • The formation of this kind of responsibility is related to the law ’ s stipulation that the pure economic losses are caused by false state
  • On the other hand , pure economic losses also could not be remedied in traditional law , so his interest will not be protected
  • Damages of tort law include loss and damage limited by the causation and should be extended to obligation rights and pure economic loss
  • However , from the angle of laws interpretation the current legislation resources has also provided certain space for the survival of pure economic loss in product liability
  • The pure economic loss in product liability has become not only a theoretical concern to the international community , but also a common challenge facing the courts in various countries
  • First , take france as the example of liberalism - country , it has a general provision in the civil code , this provision dose not deny the relief of pure economic loss beforehand
  • Because there is not sufficient attention to the concept of the pure economic loss in the theory of tort law of our country , the relief to the pure economic loss is not certainly full
  • The key issue is that the legislation body should establish related laws definitely and specifically as soon as possible so as to provide a lawful and reasonable way to protect pure economic loss in product liability
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"pure economic loss"造句  


Economic loss refers to financial loss and damage suffered by a person such as can be seen only on a balance sheet rather than as physical injury to the person or destruction of property. There is a fundamental distinction between “pure economic loss” and “consequential economic loss” - Pure economic loss occurs independent of, or in the absence of, any physical damage to the person or property of the victim.
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